Kicking the keystone
More news from Tyler Gifts...
Poor Lou. Lou's official position is something like "Administrative Assistant" to Bill, but he really ends up being more of a go-fer. Bill needs Satellite radio installed in his car, Lou does it. Bill needs someone to pick up his dry-cleaning, he sends Lou. Funny thing is, because Lou basically does everything for Bill and all the VPs, he has access to a lot of important information. He has all of their e-mail logins and passwords, he has all of their corporate credit card numbers, he's been to all of their houses. If/when he leaves, they're going to have to go through a lot of trouble to clean things up in the wake.
So the other day, Bill flies to the Carolinas to visit his parents. Before going, he tells Lou that he wants him to come into the office on Sunday and print out his boarding pass and fax it to him so he doesn't have to wait in line. Now, this is asinine for so many reasons that I won't even bother to list them. Lou complains to John and John replies, "24-7. Your job is to kiss Bill's ass 24-7."
So Lou, having all the company resources at his fingertips, decides that's fine, but he's going to do it his way. He proceeds to buy a $200 printer/scanner/fax for his home computer with the company's money.
Hope your boarding pass was worth $200, because that's what you paid Bill! Loser.
Oh, and Lou applied for 15 other jobs in the half hour after his conversation with John. I am SO amused.