This is all about when a job goes wrong, when corporate America is left to run things with no responsibility whatsoever. Please feel free to comment and commiserate. I'm sure I'll be in need of a co-author to the book this just _has_ to become.

17 May 2006

Slip o' the tongue

Two of the ladies I work with were interviewing a potential employee today. They returned from the interview and were whispering VERY quietly to each other. I figured that the conversation was not intended for me, and I was listening to my headphones as usual, so I didn't really pay attention. Some time went by, and they whispered a little more. Then they turned to me and asked, "Could you what we were whispering?"

I thought they were worried I might have heard something and I said, "No, I wasn't really paying attention, and you know how I zone out when I listen to these things."

"Good" they said, and went back to what they were doing.

A few seconds passed and I decided to be nosey. "I don't want to pry much," I said in my conversational voice, which tends to be a bit louder than most people's just because my low tone carries far. "But am I to take it that your whispering means that he didn't get the job?"

One of them smiled a little nervously and said, "Maybe, but the reason we were whispering is because he's still in the room next door with Scott."

Smooth move, Mat.

01 May 2006

So easy to laugh from the outside...

More news from Tyler Gifts...

I have it from an inside source that Tyler just picked up a new nose hair trimmer to add to their next catalog. Now, personal grooming devices are not a new thing for them, but I think you'll agree this one is special...and classy.

And if that doesn't speak enough for itself, you can get a couple more words about it HERE. Another quality piece from TG.

ITEM NUMBER 2: E, if you're reading this, watch your back. I'm told you might be ruffling a few too many feathers there. Although, I would have to laugh my ass off if they tried to can you. I'd love to watch them try to pick up the pieces after. So, ruffle away.

Next order of business... Lou, thanks for checking in. I hope to get more juicy crap from you in the future. This blog isn't as vital to my personal therapy as it might have been once, but it still makes me feel good to reflect on how f'in stupid tose guys really are.

Finally, since updates are coming to this site more sporadically than they might have once, you may want to stick your e-mail address in the FeedBlitz box in the right column. They'll automatically e-mail you the posts and save you the pain of checking back all the time.