Well, at least someone can see this place for the crime organization it is...
PayPal froze our account the other day from ALL activity until we rectify all of our NUMEROUS current buyer complaints for non-delivery and other fun stuff. The funny thing is, since PayPal is listed as the primary payment method on all of our eBay listings, all of the active listings are useless, and we can't list anything new without removing PayPal. I don't know what you know about eBay, but trying to sell there without PayPal is somewhat like selling in Zambia but only accepting Chilean beaver pelts as currency.
Before last week, we were averaging $1,200-$1,800 per day on eBay, or about $.3 million per year. This weekend, we have taken in $12.98.
. o O ( I wish written words could convey spiteful laughter )
I can't even tell you how many times I've warned them not to screw with online customers. I only wish I could see it two weeks from now when they get banned from Amazon and lose a full third of their revenue.
This was on msn today under "signs you should quit your job!"
5. You answer the phone while the company's secretary is away from her desk and find that the voice at the other end is a collection agency calling for the third time that week. While this sounds unbelievable, this actually happened to one worker, who said other employees at the company were eventually instructed to not answer the phones. "It became a joke with all of us," she commented. "We used to run out and cash our checks as soon as we got paid and were always afraid that they were going to bounce!" If you see any signs that your company is in real financial or legal trouble, get your résumé back out on the market.
1/16/2006 10:06:00 PM
Man, exciting times at the Cube Farm!
I did get a good laugh out of this, "...but trying to sell there without PayPal is somewhat like selling in Zambia but only accepting Chilean beaver pelts as currency."
Of course, I would have replaced Zambia with Nigeria but that's another story.
Looks like it is time to move on after reading up on the other entries that you posted.
1/16/2006 11:12:00 PM
Erin -- killer-good reference, thanks! I may have to see if I can find that article so I can write the author and give him/her a link to this place.
1/17/2006 08:57:00 AM
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