This is all about when a job goes wrong, when corporate America is left to run things with no responsibility whatsoever. Please feel free to comment and commiserate. I'm sure I'll be in need of a co-author to the book this just _has_ to become.

11 January 2006

Snubbed by Peons

Bill came over yesterday morning and said, "good morning." Neither E, nor I turned around. We both answered, but _very_ half-heartedly. Bill paused a moment, then turned and walked away. I almost laughed out loud at the whole thing because it was spontaneously synced between E and I. Geez, poor guy's only been there since mid-November.

So now I'm thinking a memo's going to be going around -- not unlike the one that circulated after the great corn-burning of 2004 -- instructing us to follow another meaningless edict. "You must audibly anunciate the words 'good morning' after being addressed in kind by any member of the company with more seniority," it will say. And this will be the one that ushers in a new era of joy and peace unlike any seen by any office in America. Nay - The World! Yes! The clouds will part, the rays of sun will awaken our sensitive eyes and complexions (from being in the dungeons all the time), and we will finally see that total submission to idiots is the answer to every woe.

I better stop before the Republican party tries to recruit me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Make sure you fill out those TPS reports correctly as well.

1/12/2006 07:41:00 PM


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