
So this morning, the IT guys are in a rumble because the mail server is jammed to capacity and they need to free some space. Now think of all the folders in your e-mail program, which would you empty first? You don’t even have to think about it do you? You’d flush the DELETED ITEMS folder, wouldn’t you? Of course this is the same conclusion that the IT boys came to and they dumped like half of the deleted items from the server, so people could still get at more recent ones if necessary.
Franz raged all over them for deleting his deleted items and told them they have to go to the backup tape and get them back because there was stuff in there he needed. Now, I’ve been known to dip into that folder and retrieve stuff from time to time, but if it’s gone, it’s gone. IF I needed something so bad that I thought it worth asking IT to perform such an operation, I would kiss their buns and ask them nicely to help me recover from my stupidity. He raged.
Loser! Find some other place to keep the things you need. Maybe create a folder and call it “Items I’m Not Fully Ready To Commit To Deleting But Am Too Stupid To Put In Other Logical Folders” or something similar.
If you were at home, and you stored stuff in the trash, and then you raged on the garbage man for taking it, he’d beat the tar out of you, and then the police would come and cart you away. For the love of bacon! Be a man, admit that your stash of Korean porn is gone forever, and go back to work at building a new one instead of wasting three IT guys’ time fixing your foul-up. How these guys [upper management] never ended up in government jobs, I’ll never know.
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