Trouble in paradise

There were some kind of major issues with the network today. Phones weren’t working right, we couldn’t connect to the Internet very well – a big deal for a company that makes all of it’s money by phone and online store. The reason was twofold. One reason: one of the servers was getting spyware-bombed which overloaded the bandwidth and pretty much rendered that essential server useless. The other reason: the phone bill didn’t get paid and the phone company cut back service so that we could still make calls out, but not receive any.
Let me repeat that, because it bears it. A company that depends on its phone system for HALF of it’s total income neglected to pay the phone bill. I feel like I should quit now to avoid being here when this place goes under, but then I’d have nothing for this journal.
The other funny thing about the situation is that after the problem was discovered, they got someone in touch with the phone company to pay with a check-by-phone. After that, literally every two minutes the president was in the server room asking if we were back up yet. Now, I know when something’s messed up, the people in authority want to make sure it’s resolved as soon as possible. But if you’re hounding the guy trying to get it fixed so often that he can’t do what he needs to get it fixed, do you really think you’re helping the process? And this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this happen here. It’s at least a once-per-month occasion [I refer to IT problems that the president somehow thinks he can speed up by being annoying, not the lack of bill payment]. Seriously, how smart do you have to be to know this? Apparently, at least one IQ point over 42.
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